Involving students in course design and development at Staffordshire University


  • Ken McFadyen Staffordshire University


For the Staffordshire University Clinical Psychology Doctorate Training Programme market forces, per se, do not currently exert influence as there is a 18:1 applicant to place ratio (2011 intake). However, being commissioned by the NHS means having to demonstrate value for money nonetheless and ‘producing’ high quality, qualified clinical psychologists is a marker of this. Quality standards for clinical psychology training are monitored by the Health Professions Council (HPC) and British Psychological Society (BPS) with the student voice carrying significant power. The programme was recently reviewed during a HPC approval and BPS accreditation visit during which it was suggested that stakeholders should be given an opportunity to comment on the strategic direction of the programme. This provided an impetus to formally engage with trainees as stakeholders and capture their views on how they would like to see the programme develop in the future.





Poster Presentations