Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


This independent online journal (kindly hosted at Staffordshire University) is an opportunity for any colleagues in HE to share their work on delivering teaching and learning.

It is a double blind peer reviewed publication, now into its fourth volume and is aimed at promoting and sustaining a research culture amongst practitioners in higher education who have an interest in the development of the HE student experience. The journal is inter-disciplinary in approach and accepts full papers of typically 5000-7000 words, short papers, posters (with audio commentary) and ‘student voices’ papers (first hand reflective accounts of innovative practices from the learners’ perspective). Topics include: tutoring, research, equality and diversity, internationalisation, classroom innovation, widening participation, assessment and feedback, research-informed teaching, information and digital literacy, teaching and learning processes and a range of other relevant topics.

We are particularly proud of our posters section which is a new way of sharing innovation in teaching and learning. Each poster publication is presented with an accompanying podcast which gives more context and detail to the content.

Papers should be formatted correctly following our publication guidelines prior to submission. Those that do not conform to our guidelines will be returned to you for formatting without review.

Please submit your manuscript as an Email attachment to Chris Little (c.little@mmu.ac.uk)



Section Policies



IPiHE welcomes submissions of papers with a total word count of 5-7000 words (Excluding reference list). These typically include the following headings

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Limitations
  • Conclusion
  • Conflict of interest disclosure
  • Reference List

The above are not exhaustive and we are also open to papers in different formats. However, the above offers solid guidance for those looking to structure a paper. 

Publication guidelines on formatting, referencing, etc are available at the top of the page.


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Short Papers


IPiHE also welcomes short papers for consideration of up to 3000 words. These papers may take one of the following formats:

  • Literature or scoping review (3000 words) – This could provide a critical outline of key readings in a particular area. For example, it may be a chapter from a dissertation or a scoping review from a funding bid repurposed for IPiHE. There is no set format for this type of paper.
  • Reflective narrative (3000 words) - This may provide an insight into works in progress, reflecting on work being undertaken, underpinned critically with relevant literature.
  • Technological Reviews (1000 words) – Colleagues may review contemporary educational technology providing an overview of its features, possible applications/uses, possible opportunities and challenges when using it and a summary. These would again need to make reference to relevant literature but are capped at 1000 words and are peer-reviewed.
  • Opinion pieces (1000 words)– We also welcome short opinion pieces on contemporary issues in Higher Education. These are not peer-reviewed.

We are also open to pieces in formats different to those listed above. If you have an idea for a short piece that does not fit the above guidance, please do contact our Managing Editor, Dr Chris Little on c.little@mmu.ac.uk


Publication guidelines on formatting, referencing, etc are available at the top of the page.


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Poster Presentations


IPiHE also provides the option for you to create a narrated poster presentation. This is unique to IPiHE and all posters (and narrations) would be peer-reviewed. This would typically consist of a PDF File of your poster, with an accompanying mp3 audio file containing the narration for your poster.

We recommend that posters feature no more than 500 words and encourage all authors to create their posters in accessible formats (Following British Dyslexia Association guidelines, for example, https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/advice/employers/creating-a-dyslexia-friendly-workplace/dyslexia-friendly-style-guide ).

Where possible we would ask you to have text in Arial Font.

“What if I made the poster for a specific conference?”

We understand that posters are often produced for specific conferences with specific requirements. In this case, do not feel obliged to change the fonts and referencing styles, but try to make your poster as accessible as possible.

Publication guidelines on formatting, referencing, etc are available at the top of the page.


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews


IPiHE accepts reviews of books on important contemporary issues in HE, and we have no set format for these. Book reviews are limited to 1000 words and not peer-reviewed.

Publication guidelines on formatting, referencing, etc are available at the top of the page.


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Special Edition

IPiHE welcomes colleagues who wish to curate a special edition to contact Managing Editor, Dr Chris little on c.little@mmu.ac.uk (or on Twitter via @drlittle26) to discuss how we can support your ambitions.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


We also welcome short editorials/opinion pieces on contemporary issues in Higher Education of up to 1000 words. These are not peer-reviewed.

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Student Voices

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

In Memoriam

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


All papers are double blind peer-reviewed by a team of reviewers and feedback will be provided to authors typically within three months of submission.

The only exception to this are editorials, opinion pieces and book reviews which are reviewed by a member of the editorial team. 



Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 


Editorial Board Terms of Reference


  1. The volunteer Editorial Board will provide input, oversight, contacts and moral support for all concerned with the Innovative Practice in Higher Education journal.
  2. The Journal’s Editorial Board will consist of highly skilled, committed professionals from higher and professional education and further afield. It will represent the Journal’s various constituencies: readers, researchers, theorists, policy makers, practitioners and others, using their skills, knowledge and experience to achieve the Journal objectives. The Journal's Editorial Board will include a maximum of 20 members.
  3. By agreeing to sit on the Board, Editorial Board members will assist the Managing Editor(s) of the Journal to review, solicit and submit relevant papers for the Journal and support Journal efforts to secure the input of appropriate content for publication.
  4. The Editorial Board will support the Managing Editor(s) in maintaining Journal principles underlying the editorial integrity and independence of the Journal by supporting editorial independence, Journal advertising policies and the open access platform.
  5. The Editorial Board will meet in person at least once per annum to receive a report on Journal progress from the Managing Editor(s) and the Technical Director and to discuss issues pertinent to the progress and development of the journal.
  6. Membership of the Editorial Board will be determined by the Managing Editor(s) and the existing Editorial Board. A new member can be nominated by the Managing Editor(s) and/or 2 board members, and is approved by a two-third vote of existing editorial board members (including Managing Editor(s)).
  7. Managing Editors will serve for a 3 year period after which they will be eligible for re-election by the editorial board.