The Importance of Applying Authentic Learning in Pre-registration Nursing Education


  • Amany Sadat University of Salford
  • Rachel Pilkington University of Salford


Authenticity, Nursing students, Critical reflection, Nurse Educators, Student learning


This paper explores the significance of authenticity in nursing education and the development of authentic healthcare practitioners. Identifying a current lack of authenticity in the learning materials used in the Transdisciplinary Science module at University of Salford, the authors set out to explore methods that can empower nursing students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application in clinical settings.

We conducted a literature review that yielded three predominant themes: authentic learning, critical reflection, and supportive nurse educators. Building upon these findings, we investigated how authentic learning can be flawlessly integrated into seminar sessions, utilising the principles of action learning.

As a direct outcome of this study, a robust framework for implementing authentic clinical learning for nursing students has been formulated. This framework empowers students to effectively apply their knowledge in real-world healthcare settings, fostering a deeper understanding that bridges the gap between theory and clinical practice.


